Summer Options

Are you wondering how you can make the most of your summer? There are many options you might consider taking advantage of before you return to campus in the fall. In addition to the ideas below, keep an eye out for events and opportunities near you. If you’re not sure what to do or how to approach things, schedule an appointment with one of our advisors.

Explore New Things

Shadow Reach out to someone who works in an industry of interest and ask to shadow them for a day or two (or even a few hours). Use this opportunity to learn more about what it’s like to work in a certain industry and/or profession and about a company culture. It could help narrow your interests moving forward and is something you can put on your resume. Teach Yourself Something Have you always wanted to become a better public speaker or learn Photoshop? The summer is a great chance to take an online course (many are free!), take some time to teach yourself a new skill and/or work on a personal project.

Connect With People

Conduct Informational Interviews If you’re not sure what you’d like to do when you graduate, or you’re just feeling overwhelmed by your options, reaching out to people is a great way to get the inside scoop on an area or industry you might be interested in. Reaching out to faculty, alumni, family, friends, or upperclassman through resources like The Meliora Collective can help you understand what certain career paths are like. This also gives you a way to seek out advice as you begin to build your professional network. Do some research on what they do, take it seriously, and be proactive in facilitating conversations. Check out our page on information interviewing for more information. Connect with Faculty and/or Mentors Leverage faculty and other professional mentors from your on and off-campus network. Seek opportunities to contribute to projects they are working on throughout the summer and following academic year. Schedule times to “pick their brain” and learn more about their projects, professional background, and general insights as you formulate your career goals.

Experience Something

Volunteer Community service is not only a good thing to do for our society, but can also be a great way to build skills like leadership, teamwork, and communication, all of which are competencies employers are seeking. You could also consider how to turn a volunteering experience into something more relevant to what you’re interested in the long-term. For instance, if you’ve volunteered at a local animal shelter but are interested in marketing, why not ask if you could help take photos for their social media page? Or help publicize an event? Intern or Research Gaining out of the classroom experience is certainly crucial over your time at Rochester, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be a formalized internship or research position. Browse through Handshake for internship postings to get familiarized with what’s out there and know what you’ll need to be competitive either now or in the future. Consider proactively reaching out to places/employers of interest (could be close to home) to ask if they would consider taking an intern or if you could assist on a short-term project, even if they don’t have a posting. It doesn’t’t hurt to ask! If you don’t land your “dream internship” this summer, don’t fret, there are other ways to start building your resume, skills, and network so that you’re more prepared for the following summers. Get a Summer Job Working as a camp counselor, lifeguard, or a retail job may not seem “career related” but in reality many summer jobs help to build competencies and transferable skills employers look for. Utilize for part-time hourly or seasonal jobs.

Woman updating her resume

Prepare For Fall

Update Your Resume Showcase all that you accomplished over the summer by reflecting on your experiences and what competencies you gained or strengthened by updating your resume. You may want to login to Handshake or call the Greene Center to set up an appointment with an adviser to discuss your summer experiences, review your resume, and develop action steps upon your return to campus as well. Prepare for Early Fall Recruiting Deadlines Some industries, including banking, consulting, engineering, and technology, recruit for full-time and summer internship opportunities early in the fall semester. Take the summer to develop your list of target companies, identify application timelines, and connect with alumni and other professionals that work in those industries/firms.

Midterms and Spring Break are Here!

Hi folks, happy Thursday! For this months blog, we wanted to highlight 2 important and upcoming Interstride webinars, in addition to an article we found to give you some midterm-tips. The break is a great time to continue your job …

By Daniel Greninger
Daniel Greninger Career Advisor
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All things “CPT” and more!

Hi folks, happy Thursday! For this months blog, we wanted to highlight a handful of different topics including: CPT, upcoming ISO events, Career Week, and other resources.

Curricular Practical Training (CPT):

The CPT application process can seem tricky at first, …

By Daniel Greninger
Daniel Greninger Career Advisor
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6 Ways International Students Can Spend the U.S. Holidays

Written by Anayat Durrani | Nov. 17, 2022, at 9:16 a.m. 

Good afternoon! This month’s identity blog centers around an upcoming event for all students.. the holiday/break season! A break is always nice, but figuring it how to spend it can …

By Daniel Greninger
Daniel Greninger Career Advisor
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Resources and Tools

Summer Health Professions Education Programs

The Summer Health Professions Education Program (SHPEP) is a free summer enrichment program focused on improving access to information and …

Advice & News

Career Service Hours

Day of the week
Career Center Hours PCA Drop-Ins
Monday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm  
Tuesday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Wednesday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm  
Thursday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm  
Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Learn more about 1:1 advising appointments here.

Contact & Location

(585) 275-2366

4-200 Dewey Hall
500 Wilson Blvd
Rochester, NY 14627

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