For students who need to receive academic credit for CPT purposes, employer requirements, or looking for a transcript notation. All undergraduate students are eligible to register for CASC 394i, which is available all academic terms with no associated tuition fees. It can be utilized for both paid and unpaid internship opportunities. Students may elect to register for CASC 394i for one or more of the following reasons:
- Curricular Practical Training (CPT) allowance needed for a student on an F-1 or J-1 visa
- Internship employer requiring registration for academic credit
- Transcript notation
- Maximize learning
How do I receive credit for my internship?
Step 1: Receive your offer letter
Below is a sample letter your employer can use as a template. For international students requiring CPT, ISO requires that you include specific information in your offer letter. This information includes:
- Official Employer Name (to be listed in SEVIS)
- Employer’s Address (street address, including US zip code)
- Address of employment, if different from Employer’s Address
- Start Date/End Date, and the expected number of hours per week
- Job title and description of duties
If your employer has already sent you an offer letter, you can compare the sample below to your letter to ensure you have everything needed. Otherwise, please feel free to send them the sample to fill in.
Step 2: Pre-Registration Process
- Complete the Pre-Registration Form
- Schedule an appointment with Kellie Hernandez through Handshake. If you can’t find a time that fits your schedule, please email her at
- During your meeting, you will register for CASC 394i and complete any other necessary paperwork (i.e. CPT Request Form for International Students)
Course Requirements (to be completed at the end of your internship) – the links for both surveys will be found in Blackboard
- End of Internship Student Survey
- End of Internship Employer Evaluation Survey