Finding Your First Internship as a First-Gen Student

This article contains some great tips as you begin your internship search as well as some advice for once you have landed your first internship.

Common challenges

For many first-generation college students, the point of college is to develop tangible …

By Jodyi Wren
Jodyi Wren Executive Director & Assistant Dean
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How first-generation college students should find internships and entry-level jobs

This is a helpful article if you are starting your internship or job search!
Posted March 30, 2021 by

First-generation college and university students in the United States are defined as those whose parents did not attend college. …

By Jodyi Wren
Jodyi Wren Executive Director & Assistant Dean
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How an Internship Shapes your Career

Students are often reluctant to intern because they worry their internship will only consist of uninspiring tasks for little or no money. The truth is, although not all internships pay in cash, they do pay in other ways. An internship …

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Computer Science vs. Software Engineering: What’s the Difference?

Two occupations that are often confused in the tech industry are computer science and software engineering. But, while they may be similar in nature and fundamentals, they shouldn’t be used interchangeably.

For one, software engineers are professionals who specialize in

By Springboard
Bridging the world's skills gap through affordable, high-quality, online education.
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