By reviewing professional portfolios in your particular industry, you can gain further understanding as to what companies are looking for. Connect with students, faculty, alumni, and colleagues (using The Meliora Collective or LinkedIn) to see if they have portfolios or can make recommendations of great examples. When exploring portfolios, it’s important to recognize that these can be very individualized – differing in layout, design, focus, and work samples. To help you assess these portfolios, here are some criteria and questions to ask yourself:
Samples of Work |
Language |
Branding |
Functionality |
- Are the samples good quality and demonstrate technical knowledge?
- Are there multiple examples highlighting breadth and/or depth of skills?
- Is there an “about” section that describes the individual, their industry interest, and/or skills?
- Does every sample have a description providing context for the viewer?
- Is the spelling and grammar correct?
- Does the portfolio fit the job/industry this person is interested in?
- Is there consistency in use of layout, colors, text, and other components?
- Does the portfolio come across as being professional?
- Does the platform provide an appropriate structure to house these samples?
- Is it organized in a way that is easy to navigate?
- Does the portfolio function properly (loading quickly, links working, etc.)?