We are looking to hire someone for either 2, 3, 4, or all 5 days a week for before school care in our home. We are located in Ogden/North Chili. Hours would be 7 – 8:30 am.
Both boys will be awake and their lunches will be made and packed for the day. I will also leave a breakfast for them and their clothes laid out. My oldest is turning 8 in October, he can get himself dressed, brush his teeth and generally get ready for the day on his own. The 4 year old will need some assistance getting dressed (socks, shoes) and supervision when brushing teeth. At 8:10, the sitter will need to bring our oldest to our neighbors house and then drive our youngest to Fairbanks Road school for UPK drop off at 8:30. We will provide the booster seat. That would be the end of shift, about 90 minutes a day.