● Meet and fulfill applicable portions of Section 25-5 of the Illinois School Code requiring physical fitness.
● Meet physical requirements of the job, i.e. lifting students, restraint procedures as prescribed by the teacher
● At least 18 years of age at the time of employment
● Willingness to participate in basic CPR course and certification therein
● High school diploma or equivalency
● 60 college credit hours or Associate’s Degree or meet state assessment standards
● Paraprofessional Approval from ISBE
● Building Principal
● Under supervision of certified special education teachers or their designee, provide a variety of general teacher support services to assure that the Individual Educational Program (IEP) requirements are met for each student and that confidentiality of student information is maintained
1. Assists in classroom instruction as directed, planned, and initiated by the classroom teacher
2. Records and monitors skill and behavioral progress reports for students
3. Reads regular classroom assignments to students, helps students study for tests, and reads classroom tests to students
4. Assists in preparing students for classes and/or accompanies them to physical education, art, music, and other classes taught by a specialist unless specialist indicates otherwise
5. Supervises and assists specialized students in feeding, positioning, toileting, and other activities as required
6. Assists in the preparation of instructional materials such as audio-visual aids, bulletin board displays, experiments, teacher aids or learning games, handout materials, and other material in support of the instructional program
7. Performs related duties as assigned for which teacher certification is not required. These duties may include, but are not limited to, making copies, grading papers, typing tests, preparing bulletin boards or learning centers, making teacher aids or learning games, supervising students on playground or in cafeteria, supervising students in study sessions, supervising bus loading/unloading, walking students to and from classes or on building errands, supervising students in time-out, and other supervisory duties as assigned by the principal.
The above description covers the most significant duties performed, but does not exclude other occasional work assignments not mentioned, the inclusion of which would be in conformity with the skills and responsibility levels appropriate for this position.