Good morning from the Engineering & Applied Sciences Career Community! This will be our last reguarly scheduled post before summer time, we hope you were able to find a new opportunity through here or learned something new! This week we’ve got a couple internships and work opportunities available. We hope you enjoy, and as always, we are here for zoom and in-person appointments over the summer to get you prepared for the Fall semester. Good luck on your finals!
Summer Opportunities
Make the most of your summer!! This interactive course teaches ‘real life’ communication skills and strategies that help students present their best professional selves and develop a fulfilling career. Students will explore and articulate their internship, career, and graduate school goals for distinct audiences and purposes as they develop a professional communication portfolio of materials such as resumes, cover letters, statements of purpose, electronic communications, elevator pitches, project descriptions, and abstracts, and online profiles (i.e., LinkedIn). Students will revise and refine their written and spoken work across the semester based on feedback from peers, instructors, and alumni. By the semester’s end, students will have gained extensive experience with the communication skills expected in today’s competitive environment. This course is suitable for sophomores and juniors in the Hajim School; all others require permission of the instructor. Students must have completed a minimum of two engineering or CS courses in their major. Courses in the WRTG 27X series may not be taken more than once for credit.
Prerequisite: Completion of the Primary Writing Requirement
These courses are fully online with synchronous Zoom sessions.
There are two sections offered for the Summer — 05/20/2024 – 06/28/2024
- WRTG 273-1 : This section will meet through Zoom on Tues/Thurs | 9:00 AM – 10:30 AM
- WRTG 273-2 : This section will meet through Zoom on Tues/Thurs | 8:00 PM – 9:30 PM
Alumni Connected and Featured Opportunities.
June 30th, 2024 | Applications due for Sr. R&D Chemist at Afton Chemical
May 14th, 2024 | Applications due for multiple opportunities at VOCAL Technologies
This job requires US work authorization.
Scholarship Funding
To discuss any of these opportunities and more, Career Advisors are available Monday – Friday to support you through 1:1 Appointments and Peer Career Advisors are available during Drop-In Hours on Monday & Wednesday from 12:00 pm – 3:00 pm and Friday from 12:00 pm – 4:00 pm.
Daniel Greninger, Career Advisor
Engineering & Applied Sciences Community