Thanks to COVID-19 throwing us into an alternate virtual reality, working on a career has been bumped down the priority list, and seems more daunting than ever for many students. Not to worry! The Greene Center has tons of resources and opportunities to help you get curious, try stuff out, talk to people, and tell your story, all from the comfort of your computer screen. So, where do you start?
Beef Up You Academic Record
You could try something academic like participating in research or hackathon-type event. These are great ways to explore interests you may not have an opportunity to in a normal semester. The university occasionally sponsors hackathons through different departments so make sure to check in periodically with professors. Professors are also great resources to help you get started with your own project or case study! For a limited time, the university is also sponsoring Coursera courses which you can access here. Stop by the Greene Center’s drop-in hours or make an appointment with an advisor on Handshake for advice on how to add these experiences to your resume or talk about them in a cover letter.
Find a Virtual Experience
If you’re looking for a virtual and potentially paid position, there are several great resources on the Virtual and Remote Internships page. This handful of different resources has something for everyone. Whether you’re a first-year, senior, or graduate student, there are always new avenues for you to explore your interests. Parker Dewey offers micro-internships and group projects you can work on with members of a company. With YOLO, you can shadow different international jobs. Through a virtual experience you can continue to expand your network and connect with different people in your industry of interest.
It’s also a great way to help you figure out what to do after graduation. Once you have that idea, you can learn more about the job (and, importantly, how to land a job like that) through networking. Talking with alumni, family, friends, or even connections on LinkedIn is a great way to get insider information about what a job or industry is really like. Scheduling calls with members of your network can also help you navigate your career options. The best part about it? No in-person meeting necessary! Platforms like the Meliora Collective, LinkedIn and even Handshake are great ways to start connecting with people.
Work on Your Professional Collateral
Finally, keep up to date on your career documents! Whether that’s your resume or CV, your online profiles, or developing a portfolio, this is a great time to update your materials and get a head start on your next opportunity. Some industries begin recruiting seniors for full-time and summer positions in early fall. Making sure your documents are up to date, as well as checking in on your industry’s specific timeline can help you get the most out of your next experience.
Check out our other blog posts or the Greene Center website to find more information. As always, the Greene Center is here to help! If you have questions about what steps to take or what your options are, make an appointment with an advisor on Handshake or stop by our drop-in hours. I hope to see you there!